Lego phone holder

 Thu, 30 May 2024 17:51 UTC

Lego phone holder
© March 2020, cybrkyd

Necessity is the mother of invention. I had forgotten about this little life-saver, made during lockdown number one in March 2020. I was working from home and had my first day of back-to-back calls. Normally, video conferences would be joined from the iPad but I had to join a call on some obscure software that refused to work on crapple devices. I needed to use my phone so I desperately needed a holder.

Enter Lego blocks. I raided the kids' toy box and cobbled this bad boy together from 6 pieces. It is only good for wide-screen viewing as the phone is too heavy in portrait mode. The phone sits in there perfectly at just the right angle for the camera.

Lego is so cool…except when you step on the bloody things!

Lego phone holder